Makino Tsukushi, a working-class girl, attends an elite escalator school called Eitoku Academy (英徳学園, Eitoku Gakuen?), populated by children from rich, high-society families. She is the "weed" of the school, surrounded by all the rich kids, including the "Flower Four" (F4). The F4 leader and son of the wealthiest, most powerful family in Japan, Domyouji Tsukasa, takes an interest in Tsukushi, because she is the only girl at Eitoku who doesn't fawn over him. However, his hot-headed nature and bullying ways are originally a major turn-off for Tsukushi, who has her sights set on someone else (Hanazawa Rui).
The violinist Rui Hanazawa, Tsukasa's best friend, becomes Tsukushi's first serious romantic interest. He is a quiet and cold guy, but he has a soft spot for his close friend and Tsukushi's idol, the model Todou Shizuka, whom he harbored feelings for since childhood. His character is a bit complex, and always has changing feelings for Tsukushi, but above all cares about her in a friendly way.
The other two members of the F4 are Mimasaka Akira, the laid-back peacemaker of the group, and Nishikado Sōjirō, an unrepentant playboy. They both usually have at least one girlfriend at any one time; Akira prefers older women because the women of his household (his mother and two younger sisters) are quite silly. Sojiro is happy to be in casual relationships with many women, although we later discover that at one time he was in love with a childhood friend.
Over the course of the series, however, Tsukushi's feelings evolve, and she begins to appreciate the degree of change that occurred in Tsukasa once he fell in love with her. He becomes fiercely loyal to Tsukushi and believes in her beyond all doubt, and slowly gets her to see him in a different light. The physical obstacles and emotional challenges of their rocky high-school courtship form the basis of the story. Other themes include Tsukushi's attempt to fit in at the school, the problems of her family's lifestyle and income, and the decadent lifestyle of upper-class Japanese girls. ~credit:wikipedia
i remember watching this drama when i was in my college years. the first live version was from taiwan. time tu aku gilo tgk tv, and i cannot live without tv, tgk commercial pun jadilah.
however, i'm not going to get all reminiscene about it. what i can tell you, the taiwan version in my opinion was the longest, cheesiest (if there's such a word) and meleret-leret.
tjejapanese version for me is the best one, however their selection of so-called-rich-and-macho guys a bit too jambu. it's much more fun though than the taiwan version.
the latest version, the korean version, i have to say has the most cute, funny and bengong heroin character. kelakar, and she's sure does know how to make her faces (mmm... she reminds me of ueno juri in nodame cantabile - man! she's the best!)
so why am i doing an entry psal citer nih?
aku tgh layan citer ni da.. hahahahah! my brother hantu pirate donlod drama2, movies berbagai nih, so as i was menyekodeng hard disknya, i've stumble upon this drama. okaylah... fill my hectic days, hehehe. and i have to put videos frm the korean version coz my sister nak tgk online.
so ike pating, this is for you! (well, in the next entry da....)
January 23, 2009 at 7:47 AM
goo jun pyo is the best..plg hensem n plg cute..huhu.. =p
January 29, 2009 at 12:01 AM
koya doh la budok tok pok sore nih!
June 27, 2009 at 8:02 AM
The Jap version I think is the best among them.. :D
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