Kanzaki Shizuku (神咲雫), is the son of a recently deceased, world renowned wine critic Kanzaki Yutaka (神咲豐多香) who owns a vast wine collection. In order to take ownership of his legacy, he must find 13 wines, known as the "12 apostles" and the "Les Gouttes de Dieu" that his father described in his will. He has a competitor called Toomine Issei (遠峰一青), a renowned young wine critic, who is his father's adopted son.
Shizuku has never drunk or has any previous knowledge about wines, but with strong senses of taste and smell, plus knowledge gained from his time with his father, and with support from his friends and colleagues like sommelier trainee Shinohara Miyabi (紫野原みやび), Shizuku submerges himself in the world of wines and tries to solve the mysteries of the 13 wines and defeat Toomine Issei. - wikipedia.
Ep 1 Part 2
Ep 1 Part 3
Ep 1 Part 4
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