.:.Remoting & Couch Potato-ing.:.
I am not a journalist, nor a paparazzi. I never took any pictures of celebrities, nor do i work in the film industry. I'm just a normal, lazy and bored person who has too many spare times. Read it if you want, but don't take it too personally or seriously. Its just doodle. So site back, and enjoy the doodling of a bored girl. Okek?

.:.BOF - Week 11th Updated 24/3 .:.

꽃 보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers, Boys Before Flowers, Hana Yori Dango Korean Version, Kkotboda Namja Episodes English Subbed watch video online spoilers endings wedding reconciliation

(Photo credit dunlop90@soompi)


Update 24/3 Spoilers Full Credit KPculture

Episode 23 preview, translated from KBS:

‘I can tolerate hunger and I can tolerate the cold… but there’s just one thing I can’t stand… when people who I love face hardship because of me.’ –Jan Di

Thanks to Ga Eul’s troubled efforts to turn Yi Jeong’s heart around, Eun Jae’s confession that Yi Jeong had overlooked three years ago is finally revealed. Yi Jeong stands on a building rooftop, and when his eyes are uncovered by Ga Eul, a message appears like magic in front of him.

When Chairwoman Kang finds out about Jun Pyo and Jan Di’s enjoyable secret date, she begins to attack those dear to Jan Di as a final tactic. Upon finding out about the circumstances that her loved ones have been put into, Jan Di makes an important decision.

Update 23/3
Spoilers Full Credit KPculture

RUMOUR ALERT: 1) It is possible that the HYD character of Nakashira Umi is not featured in BOF. 2) Word is starting to trickle out that Han Chae Young will be back for the “__ years later” scene. We will update upon confirmation.

* The reason that Jan Di decides to break things off with Jun Pyo:
Chairwoman Kang hits her where it hurts - the chairwoman victimizes both Ji Hu and Ga Eul['s families].

* [Correction:] Jun Pyo does not know that the picnic date with Jan Di is to be their last:
Jan Di makes lunch for Jun Pyo

Jan Di asks him out on the date as a farewell. She has made up her mind to leave him (due to Chairwoman Kang). However, Jun Pyo has no idea that this is supposed to be their farewell date. He asks, “Is today a special occasion? It seems as if it’s my birthday or I won the lottery or something. You’re the one who asked me on a date and we didn’t even fight once today. I wish that every day can be like today.” He has no idea that Jan Di has decided to leave. Wanting to hear Jan Di confess her feelings, he says to her, “I have one request. Why haven’t you said that you like me? I’ve told you lots of times.” Jan Di finally admits, “I like you - to the point that I’ve gotten angry because I tried to forget about you or stop liking you and couldn’t” and kisses him.

* Jun Pyo gets locked up in a detention centre after getting drunk and trying to destroy property:

On the way home from drinking at a club, he sees one of those game machines where you try to grab a toy with a claw. He gets upset when he can’t grab one, and thinks back to his double-date with Jan Di. Upset, he smashes the machine and gets caught. Secretary Jung and Jun Hee come to pick him up from the detention centre. Jun Hee is extremely sad to see her brother’s emotional deterioriation.

* Regarding Ga Eul and Yi Jeong’s scene at Namsan:

The photo of the scene filmed MIGHT have been to attempt to mislead viewers because it is not a date. Yi Jeong shows up at the porridge shop and goes to Namsan with Ga Eul. First, they discuss the sudden disappearance of Jan Di. Then, Yi Jeong says he wants to say something to Ga Eul. However, she cuts him off and tells him not to feel burdened - she will leave him alone from now on and she doesn’t regret anything that happened with him because she tried her best. From there, she leaves alone.

* The reason for Jun Pyo’s memory loss is probably in episode 24:

He takes a blow that was directed towards Ji Hu. (Actually, there are rumours that someone attacked Ji Hu with a knife THINKING that he was Jun Pyo. Then, Jun Pyo stepped in to protect Ji Hu. This has not been confirmed, however. Also, there are mixed reports on whether Jan Di was present during this incident or not.)

* Ji Hu fans beware - he is going to be temporarily miserable:

a) His grandfather is sick.

b) Jan Di rejects him. (It is being assumed that he tries proposing with the ring - not confirmed.)

c) Jun Pyo gets hurt on his behalf.

* KP’s prediction was right in that the drama will end with a “__ years later” scene:
However, the ending has yet to be confirmed and the script for episode 25 is not available.

Update 22/3 (e)
Spoilers Full Credit KPculture

Update (3/22):

* The reason for Jun Pyo’s memory loss: he takes a blow that was directed towards Ji Hu. (Actually, there are rumours that someone attacked Ji Hu with a knife THINKING that he was Jun Pyo. Then, Jun Pyo stepped in to protect Ji Hu. This has not been confirmed, however.)

* KP’s prediction was right! - The drama will end with a “__ years later….” scene.

Update 22/3 (d) Credit blue

-Chairman Kang tries to torture both GE and JH to get rid of JD. This is what causes JD to break up w/ JP.

- Yes, the "bus chase" scene replaces the rainy day breakup scene of the manga. In the script, it does not rain during the "bus chase" breakup scene. However, I'm not sure whether they made it rain during the actual filming.

-JP does indeed briefly go to jail/police station for breaking a toy machine while drunk after the breakup

-JH proposes to JD at the fishing village and gets rejected

-JP does indeed get stabbed in JH's place. However, JD does not see him getting stabbed.

-I see that someone has already posted Soeul's Namsan staircase scene. However, unlike the happy picture, this scene is supposed to be a sad scene in the script. Soeul does not have a "date" at Namsan. YJ goes to the porridge shop to find GE, and takes her to Namsan. At first they talk about the disappearance of JD, but when YJ says we need to talk about us, GE cuts him off. GE tells him not to feel burdened, that she won't go to him anymore, and that she has no regret because she tried her best. However, Soeul shippers, don't despair because this is not the conclusion for them yet....

-I too am not sure about the Umi arc. As of the middle of ep 24, there's no sign that any such character will appear. The script for after that is still not out yet so I'm not sure whether she will ever appear....

-People keep asking me about the ending. I don't think the ending is out yet, but even if I knew the ending, I will try to refrain from posting. However, for those dying to know, there is indeed a time jump so you can anticipate seeing an "adult" JD.

Update 22/3 (c) Photos (Scarf Kiss 2) Credit as ta

JP: Is today someday special? (Note: can also be translated as "What is today?") It feels like it's my birthday or as if I won the lottery. You ask me out on a date and we didn't even fight once today. I wish everyday is like today.

JP: I have one request. Why don't you ever tell me that you like/love me? I've told you several times already. (Note: he uses the word "jo ah hae" which translates to "like" but I think it's safe to assume the connotation is "love)

JD: I like you. (Note: She uses the word "jo ah hae" instead of "sarang hae.") No matter how hard I try not to, and no matter how hard I try to erase you, to the point that I'm angry because I'm unable to.


Update 22/3 (b) Photos (Scarf Kiss) Credit as ta

Update 22/3 Photos (Fishing Village Scene) Credit as ta

Update 21/3 (d)
Spoilers Full Credit KPculture

* Jun Hee discovers that her and Jun Pyo’s father is alive. She confronts their mother about deceiving everyone, but Chairwoman Kang defends herself by saying that he would have wanted it that way as well. Jun Pyo comes in during their conversation and demands an explanation.

* Ji Hu and Woo Bin go on a trip.

* Eventually, Yi Jeong makes up his mind to get back to pottery.


* Kim So Eun (Ga Eul) and Kim Beom (Yi Jeong) were seen filming at Namsan by the famous stairs (in the last scene of My Name is Kim Sam Soon). Eyewitnesses said that it looked like they were filming a date scene; however, it is unconfirmed they were filming for BOF or a television commercial.

Update 21/3 (c) (Full credit/translated by blue_angel_1004@soompi)

MORE SPOILERS FROM EP 23 SCRIPT (Note: The spoilers below are not by the same person as the three spoiler posts I've posted earlier. That person is the only spoiler poster I trust (as re-confirmed by the long previews released yesterday), but as the spoiler below is by a different person, I'm not 100% sure of its accuracy. Nevertheless, it does sound reasonable and this person also claims that she also accidentally ran into the script so I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

JH finds out the location of JD after seeing a tv show about fishing villages. He tells JP the location and then heads to the fishing village. There, he tries to give JD his mom's ring (which he always carries around as a necklace), but JD refuses by showing JH the star/moon necklace and tells him that no matter what happens, she can't abandon this one necklace. JP is watching from afar, but not sure whether JP sees the "proposal."

At the fishing village lives a man who is seeking revenge at the Shinhwa Group. He mistakenly thinks JH is JP and tries to stab him, but JP gets stabbed instead while trying to stop him. JD is there too. When JP is hospitalized, Joon Hee yells at Chairwoman Kang and says this is all her fault. According to the script, Chairwoman Kang sheds a tear (not sure if in front of Joon Hee or not).

Ep 23 ends w/ JH crying in front of his grandfather. Not sure whether all this will be included in ep 23 or pushed back to 24. As of ep 23, no sign of Umi yet.

Update 21/3 (b) (Full credit/translated by blue_angel_1004@soompi)

Spoilers provided by the same person who provided the other spoilers that I've posted here earlier. Like I said, this person has acess to the script but I guess changes may occur between the script and the actual filming? But this should be pretty accurate... The Korean portion is in her own words, and the english is my translation. Enjoy!

<담주 스포 3탄>
Next week's spoiler, Part 3

먼저 준표의 버스추격씬.
버스추격씬, 구금 이별씬 맞음.
준표의 기억상실 전 구금 마지막 데이트 후
잔디가 일방적으로 이별 통보하고 버스 타고 가버림.
돌아다니는 스포처럼 그 버스 타고 바로 어촌으로 가는 건 아님.
이것저것 떠날 준비를 하고 그 후에 떠남.

JP's bus chase scene.
This is JP/JD's breakup scene.
This happens before JP's amnesia and after Jundi's last date (not the zoo date) where JD singehandedly breaks up w/ JP and gets on a bus.
JD does not immediately go to the fishing village from the bus, but does this and that to prepare for her departure first.
(blue_angel_1004's note: In fact, another Korean netizen reported that she saw the filming of the bus chasing scene described above yesterday (I anticipate spoiler pics coming?), and poor LMH did alot of running for that scene)

두번째, 준표우빈 자동차 추격씬.
그것도 돌아다니는 스포 내용이 거의 맞음.
우빈이가 준표를 집에서 탈출시켜주고 같이 도망가는데 경호원들한테 쫓기고
다시 우빈이네 경호원들이 그걸 막아주고 준표는 잔디에게로 무사히 가게 됨.
그리고 그 뒤에 동물원 데이트를 하게 되는 거임.

Second, JP and WB's car chase scene.
WB helps JP escape from his house and JP's bodyguards chase them.
WB's bodyguards block JP's bodyguards so that JP can arrive safely in front of JD for their zoo date.

세번째, 준표 클럽씬.
잔디가 떠나고 괴로워하던 준표가 클럽에서 술 마시고 싸우고 그 후에...
아무튼 그런 내용임.
이때 준희 누나가 준표가 망가지는 모습에 가슴 많이 아파함.

Third, JP's club scene.
After JD breaks up w/ him, JP is miserable, drinks, fights, and...
Well, it goes something like that.
Joon Hee (JP's sister) watches JP self-destruct and feels really bad.

잔디가 어떤 치매 환자를 돌보게 된다는..
저는 첨에 이 장면 보고 깜짝 놀랐는데..
그리고 떠도는 스포에서처럼 치매 환자는 아니고 의식불명의 환자입니다.
식물인간 같은... (이렇게 표현하면 누구인지 아시겠죠?)
잔디는 그 사람이 누군지 모르는 상태에서 어떤 사람의 부탁을 받고 돌봐주게 되고요.

JD takes care of a patient w/ Alzheimer's..
At first I was really surprised when I read this part in the script..
But just to clarify, it is not an Alzheimer's patient, but someone in a vegetative state. (This should help you know who this patient is, right?)
JD doesn't know who this person is, but takes care of him at someone's request.

그리고 제가 요트에서 구금키스가 있다고 한 적이 없는데
자꾸 그런 글이 보이네요.
요트에서 재회하고 정원에서 왈츠 추고
그 후에 망원경으로 별 보다가 키스하게 되는 겁니다.
그러니까 다음 주 키스신은 별 보다 키스, 어제 얘기한 키스, 이렇게 두 번입니다.

And I never said JP and JD kissed at the yacht.
I don't understand why this spoiler keeps spreading around.
Yacht is where they reunite, but they move to a garden to dance waltz, and then they stargaze, and then kiss.
So there are two kisses next week, the star kiss and the second kiss (the one the fans been waiting for).

그리고 제주에서 구금 말타는 씬은 없고요.
지후가 혼자 타고 있는데 재경이 목걸이 전해주러 찾아옵니다.
지후, 잔디에 대한 애틋한 장면 많이 나옴.

And to clarify the fake spoiler going around that JP/JD go horseback riding at Jeju. There is no such scene.
JH rides horse by himself, and JK shows up to return the necklace.
There are a lot of scenes that shows JH's love for JD.

소을스포도 많이 기다리시던데..
그런데 소을은 어제 거의 얘기한 것 같거든요.
생각나는 건 간판에피 이후 이정이가 마음을 다잡고
다시 그릇을 만들기 시작한다는 거고요.
그리고 키스 직전이란 얘기는 이정이가 하려다 마는 게 아니라
지난번 구금때처럼 가을한테 전화가 와서 분위기 깨지는 겁니다.

Many people seem to be waiting for Soeul spoilers...
But I believe I've revealed pretty much everything about Soeul in my last spoiler.
But after seeing the sign, YJ moves on and starts pottery again.
And about the almost kiss, it's not that YJ stops himself but like w/ Jundi, GE's phone rings and disrupts them.

Update 21/3 (a)
Spoilers Full Credit KPculture

Episode 23 spoilers:

* Woo Bin helps Jun Pyo escape from his house, but they are chased by the Gu household security. However, the Song security defends them so that Jun Pyo can make a safe escape to meet Jan Di.

* Jun Pyo calls Jan Di to come out on a date at the zoo, and she shows up with a young boy! The child is the son of a patient at the clinic [she volunteers at], and she had volunteered to watch over him for a bit. However, Jun Pyo ended up calling just then, so she had to bring him along. At first, Jun Pyo was displeased, but he then ended up enjoying the time with the little boy. A disaster then occurs at the hands of Chairwoman Kang. (KP’s note: Our source said that this disaster isn’t the one that causes Jun Pyo’s memory loss.)

“You’re my girl, so of course I have to protect you!” –Jun Pyo

* Due to Jae Gyeong and Jun Pyo’s split, their respective companies are no longer carrying on with their business deal. As Shin-hwa’s stock prices fall, Chairwoman Kang seeks out Jan Di and threatens her. At that moment, Ji Hu’s grandfather appears and helps Jan Di out. However, this event inspires Chairwoman Kang to change her tactics. In the end, she hurts Jan Di greatly.

* Jan Di finds a good, safe place to live after being kicked out of Jun Pyo’s house. (KP’s note: We are almost positive that it is Ji Hu’s home.)

* Yi Jeong continues to reminisce about Eun Jae. Boys Over Flowers will follow the Hana Yori Dango storyline very closely in regards to Eun Jae’s hidden message for Yi Jeong on the rooftop. Ga Eul searches all over in order to discover what Yi Jeong had missed. Once she finds it, she takes Yi Jeong there to show him, and he breaks down and sobs.

* Yi Jeong makes up his mind to do pottery again.

* Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s final date together before he loses his memory:
Jan Di says, “Let’s separate…” and gets on a bus to go to her parents. (She doesn’t go directly to the seaside from here; she makes preparations to leave first.)

* Jun Pyo, depressed after Jan Di’s departure, gets drunk at a club and makes a scene by causing fights. As Jun Hee sees her little brother falling apart, she feels sympathy for him.

* Jun Pyo will lose his memory. (KP’s note: It is rumoured that this will take place at the seaside where Jan Di’s family is.)


Jan Di takes care of a man in a coma. (KP’s note: You can deduce who this man could be.)

Update 20/3 (c)
Spoilers Full Credit KPculture

Episode 23 spoilers:

* Jun Pyo is expected to lose his memory, as they have announced intentions to cast for the HYD character, Nakashima Umi.

* Jun Pyo calls Jan Di to come out on a date at the zoo, and she shows up with a young boy! The child is the son of a patient at the clinic [she volunteers at], and she had volunteered to watch over him for a bit. However, Jun Pyo ended up calling just then, so she had to bring him along. At first, Jun Pyo was displeased, but he then ended up enjoying the time with the little boy. A disaster then occurs at the hands of Chairwoman Kang. (KP’s note: Our source said that this disaster isn’t the one that causes Jun Pyo’s memory loss.)

“You’re my girl, so of course I have to protect you!” –Jun Pyo

* Due to Jae Gyeong and Jun Pyo’s split, their respective companies are no longer carrying on with their business deal. As Shin-hwa’s stock prices fall, Chairwoman Kang seeks out Jan Di and threatens her. At that moment, Ji Hu’s grandfather appears and helps Jan Di out. However, this event inspires Chairwoman Kang to change her tactics. In the end, she hurts Jan Di greatly.

* Jan Di finds a good, safe place to live after being kicked out of Jun Pyo’s house. (KP’s note: We are almost positive that it is Ji Hu’s home.)

* Yi Jeong continues to reminisce about Eun Jae. Boys Over Flowers will follow the Hana Yori Dango storyline very closely in regards to Eun Jae’s hidden message for Yi Jeong on the rooftop. Ga Eul searches all over in order to discover what Yi Jeong had missed. Once she finds it, she takes Yi Jeong there to show him, and he breaks down and sobs.

Update 20/3 (b) (Photo credit as tagged, baidu and soompi BOF thread)

scenes at the zoo (date)

Update 20/3 (a) (Full credit/translated by blue_angel_1004@soompi)

<담주 스포 2탄>
Spoiler for next week, part 2

파혼으로 인해 JK그룹과의 합병 깨지고 신화그룹 주가폭락 위기.
강회장, 잔디한테 찾아가 위협하나 그 순간 지후 할아버지 나타나 도와줌.
하지만 이 일 때문에 강회장이 잔디를 괴롭히는 방법을 다른 방향으로 선회.
잔디에게 더 큰 아픔을 줌.

Due to the cancellation of the wedding, the merger also gets cancelled and Shinhwa's stock is in danger of plummeting.
Chairwoman Kang meets JD and threatens her, but at that moment, JH's grandfather shows up and helps out.
However, due to this, Mme Kang's method of torturing JD takes a a new direction, and brings greater pain to JD.

잔디가 준표네 집에서 쫓겨나고 어디서 살게 되냐고 걱정하고 궁금해하던 분들!
아주 안전하고 좋은 집에서 살게 되니까 걱정 마시길.
(하지만 구금 지지자들한테는 왠지 불안한 소식일 수도..)

For those who expressed concern about where JD would live after getting kicked out of JP's!
She goes to a very safe place so don't worry.
(However, for Jundi shippers, this place might make you a little nervous...)

이제부터 소을 스포.
이정의 회상 속에서 은재 계속 등장.
소을 에피는 거의 원작대로 진행됨. (빌딩 옥상, 간판, 새벽의 약속 등등)
가을, 뭔가를 찾아다니느라 초췌한 모습. (그게 뭔지는 원작 보신 분들은 알 거임)
그리고 그 뭔가를 드디어 찾게 되고 이정을 데리고 그곳에 감.
끝내 이정 오열..

Now Soeul spoiler.
EJ (first love) continues to appear in YJ's mind/thought.
Soeul's episode closely follows the manga (building rooftop, sign, early dawn promise, etc)
GE is looking for something. (Those who read the manga should know what that is)
And she finally finds that something and takes YJ there.
YJ breaks down and cry.

아까 제가 '더 큰 화를 부르기도 한다'라는 글을 썼는데
많은 분들이 짐작하시는 게 맞음.
(강회장 관련, 그러나 강회장이 시킨 몰카는 아님)
이 커플은 어찌도 그렇게 눈에 잘 띄는지..

The zoo incident brings a bigger trouble, and as suspected by many, it involves Mme Kang.
(Although it's not a hidden camera ordered by Mme Kang)
How the heck does this couple keep getting caught like this...

그리고 동물원에서 준표 대사 스포로 떴더군요.
정확한 대사는
"넌 내 여자구 당연히 내가 지켜줘야 하는 거잖아!"

JP's line at the zoo
"Because you're my woman, of course I need to protect you!"

그리고... 동물원은 구금의 마지막 데이트가 아닙니다!
초반부터 얘기가 엄청 많았고 많은 사람들이 가장 궁금해하던 거..
위장약혼 없고 기억상실은 있습니다!!!

Finally, the zoo is NOT Jundi's last date!
And many people have been curious about this, but...
There is NO fake engagement between JH and JD, but there is an amnesia arc!!!
(EDIT 1: In response to ml_87's question below, there has been a fake spoiler going around among Korean netizens that JH and JD go through a fake engagement to protect JD from Mme Kang. My trusted source said this is NOT true and this story is merely made up by someone.)

Additional stuff...

원래 낼 쓰려고 했는데.. 조금만 더 씁니다.
소을은 조금 진전 있습니다.
키스씬까진 아니고 키스 직전까지 갑니다. (예전에 구금 자동차 극장씬과 비슷)
그리고 구금 키스씬은.. 또 있을 겁니다.
많은 분들이 기다리던 그 씬..

There is some progress in the Soeul front...
Not a kiss scene, but almost a kiss scene (imagine Jundi's drive-in movie scene)
And finally, there is another kiss waiting for Jundi (besides the hotel one)...
It is the one many people have been waiting for (MY GUESS: the scarf kiss?!!!)

잔디가 바닷가에 가는 장면 있거든요!
There is a scene where JD goes to the fishing village.

Update 19/3 (b) - Unconfirmed spoilers (Full credit/translated by blue_angel_1004@soompi)

BOF Filming sighting :

According to Korean netizens, BOF crew is currently filming JP and JD enjoying a date at a zoo w/ a child. JP was wearing a black blazer and black skinny jeans with white sneakers. JD was wearing a hoodie, a thin jacket and black shorts w/ black knee-high socks. (I expect people to be posting fan photos soon?). The storyline is that JP is disappointed that JD brought a kid to their date, but JD gets touched by how well JP get along with the kid. Now, my question: who's the kiddo? JD's neighbor that she's babysitting, perhaps?

Also, Korean netizens are speculating this to be their last date before the rainy day breakup.

Update 19/3 (a) - Unconfirmed spoilers (Full credit/translated by blue_angel_1004@soompi)

Spoiler from a trusted source w/ access to the script (so far, this person has been the only person providing spoiler that's been consistently accurate so I thought it would be safe to post here). I provided the translation below each paragraph:

일단 결혼식 이의제기 5명은
모두 예상하는 대로 F3, 재경, 가을.
잔디는 결혼식장에 못 감. (안 가는 게 아니라 못 가는 거!)
이유는 대충 짐작하시는 대로..
또 이 이유가 준표가 결혼식장에
제발로 들어갈수 밖에 없는 이유이기도 함.

Five people object to the wedding vow.
As predicted by most people, they are F3, JK, and GE.
JD could not attend the wedding (not by choice!)
The reason is what has been guessed by many... (MY OWN THOUGHT: Madam Kang?)
And that reason is why JP had no choice but to walk into the wedding hall.

구금 하룻밤 에피는
같이 망원경으로 별 보고 준표가 사랑해 라고 하고
키스하고 괜시리 웃고 서로 까르르 웃고.. 그 정도.

JP and JD's "night" consists of looking at the stars using binoculars/telescope, JP tells JD "I love you," a kiss, and lots of laughing for no reason...

일단 지금 떠돈다는 스포가 단추 풀고 첫날밤 보내는 거? 그거 맞죠?
그거 아닙니다!
그냥 키스만 하고 각자 방에서 싱글벙글 미소지으면서 잡니다.

There was a fake spoiler going around in Korea that JP and JD unbutton each other's shirts?
That's a definite NO!
They just kiss and go to their separate rooms and giggle to themselves as they sleep.

메이드 에피는 이제 끝.
잔디 졸업에 대해선 아직 언급 없음.

Maid arc is now over.
No mention of JD graduating from high school in the script yet.

하나 더 얘기하자면 큰 줄기는 거의 원작대로 가고 있음.
거기에 세세한 에피 정도만 약간씩 다를 뿐.

Most of the major story is going by the manga.
Only small details have been altered.

<잠깐 덧붙임>
One more...

키스씬 지문은 '달콤한 입맞춤'
이의 제기는 짠 거 아니고 재경이가 하니까 다들 충동적으로.
구금달달 때 대화는 글케 많은 편은 아니고 별 볼 때 좀 있음.
아빠 얘기 조금 함.

The direction for the kiss in the script is a "sweet kiss." (MY OWN ASIDE: For comparative purposes, the script direction for the roadside kiss in ep 10 that was heavily edited out was a "passionate kiss.")

The objection to the wedding vow was not pre-preplanned, but since JK starts it, others instinctively also object. JP and JD's conversation is relatively not that long (during their night). They do talk a little about JP's dad.

Update 18/3 (Full Credit: KPculture)

Episode 22 preview, translated from KBS:

“Why me? Me - who is not beautiful, has no money and no fame…. why in the world do you like me?” “Because money, fame, looks….I have them all. There’s nothing else necessary. Keum Jan Di, all you need to do is be Keum Jan Di.”

Following all the twists and turns, Jun Pyo enters the wedding hall and the ceremony is smoothly under way. However, due to Jae Gyeong’s tactics, the wedding of the century becomes a mess. Jan Di and Jun Pyo sneak off to a beautiful resort and have a lovely night together. They reaffirm their feelings for each other.

At the same time, Jae Gyeong meets up with Ji Hu to give back [Jandi's] star necklace and expresses her disappointment to him. The next day, Jae Gyeong boards a plane to New York after entreating Jan Di and Jun Pyo not to let her decision become futile.
Jan Di and Jun Pyo’s happy time together is just momentary.

Due to the break-up, Shin-hwa Group is in a critical situation and Chairwoman Kang’s wrath is directed towards Jan Di.

Episode 22 spoilers:

KP’s note: So, after our false source last time, we’re very reluctant to post up spoilers - especially because they were posted onto YouTube and other sites, and we felt quite guilty. The following spoilers were posted before episode 21 aired. However, they seem to match the preview that KBS posted afterwards. Hence, we’re going to trust this source and post these for our readers. You can decide whether or not to believe them! Go beyond the jump to read.

F3 at the wedding

* Jandi, the bridesmaid, ultimately does not attend the wedding.
* There are five people who speak up and object to the marriage during the ceremony.
* After the wedding ceremony falls apart, Ga Eul is touched by the turn of events and sobs.
* Ga Eul believes in happy endings, but Yi Jeong says that he doesn’t.
* There’s a specific reason that Jun Pyo HAD to go ahead with the ceremony. There’s also a specific reason why Jae Gyeong refused to comply with Jun Pyo’s request (when he begged her to cancel the wedding the night before).
* Jun Pyo and Jan Di reunite on a yacht. (KP’s note: There are rumours that Jae Gyeong arranges this.) He hugs her tightly.
* From the yacht, they go to a garden where they waltz together and kiss.
* As she hands back Jan Di’s necklace to Ji Hu, Jae Gyeong tells him that she had hoped the J♡J stood for Ji Hu ♡ Jan Di.
* Jae Gyeong leaves for New York, carrying the shoes [left on the ground by Jun Pyo] that she picked up at the airport in Macau.



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