꽃 보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers, Boys Before Flowers, Hana Yori Dango Korean Version, Kkotboda Namja Episode 23 English Subbed watch video online.
HQ and subbed.
Ep 23 Part 1
Ep 23 Part 2
Ep 23 Part 3
Ep 23 Part 4
Ep 23 Part 5
Ep 23 Part 6
Ep 23 Part 2
Ep 23 Part 3
Ep 23 Part 4
Ep 23 Part 5
Ep 23 Part 6
This is a one hundred percent my fellow forumner ingenious work at soompi. Super shout out to flower_pot!!!!
After watching countless episodes of my JUNDI ship being together for only a couple of minutes before they are yet torn apart again for what feels like eternity… I think I am starting to unravel what the twist in this entire version of Hana Yori Dango is… I think… I think… (Drumroll please…) THAT THE PD AND THE SCRIPTWRITER OF BOF IS ACTUALLY MADAM KANG IN DISGUISE! Woooohhhhh !!! (shock all around, gasping, heartclutching as realization sinks in…)
Who else would be so evil as to think of giving someone a moment of happiness only to take it all back and then some in the next minute? Why can’t you even let us be happy for just one freakin’ episode Mr. PD and Miss Scriptwriter? WHYYYYYYYYYY??? Would it hurt to give us what we want when it is obvious that audiences around the globe are clamoring for more JunDi moments?
The episode started out with so much promise as Jandi and Junpyo continue on their zoo date… As I begin blissfully imagining how much better the storyline of this show would have been if only Jandi gets pregnant and gives birth to a little JunDi (and along with that HOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER IT WOULD really be if only they show the process of how they go about making it)… I also get a dark sense of foreboding of how much Devil PD will charge me back in terms of heartbreak and angst for this moment of giddy happiness with other scenes later on in the episode…
Alas! I would not have to wait for long to find out, since Secretary Jung is already calling Junpyo to report back to the mother ship… As Junpyo turns over a sleeping cute Chan to Jandi and goes on his way before Mama Kang sends the hounds of hell loose on him… Jandi and Junpyo both turn around to look at each other in goodbye lovingly before parting ways… (WAHAHAHA! THIS SERIES IS REALLY MAKING ME LAUGH… NOT EVEN A KISS PD? A DOGGONE PECK? A SMACK? WHAT ABOUT A HANDSHAKE? They barely see each other and all they can do is… LOOK AT EACH OTHER? C’mon! Even socialites who beeyatch around each others back give each other air kisses when they part ways… Where did all their teenage hormones go? Oh! I forgot… Maybe it doesn’t exist in ANGSTYLAND…)
Moving on, we see Yijung’s and first love’s dragged about storyline flash on screen as Kim Bum showed the acting chops that he is soooo famous for (we get it Bummie! You can act… yes you can… no need to shout…) As Darth Mama reads the daily paper (probably to read up on how other tycoons eliminate plucky teenage girls from their sons lives…) She gets the shock of her life seeing Jandi and Junpyo on their date in the zoo accidentally caught on a documentary on TV, complete with SMILES! ( I knew it… it was the smile that did it… I bet her reaction would not have been as drastic if they showed somber expressions instead of *heaven forbid* that of enjoyment… Note to Junpyo and Jandi: KEEP YOUR SMILES TO YOURSELF... Remember Junpyo, how miserable you looked during that failed wedding? THAT IS THE EXPRESSION THAT DARTH MAMA likes… Just look at her look on you lovingly during that oh sooo happy event…)
While Jandi is giving Jihoo even more reasons to pine for her by cooking for him and his gramps as they go about fishing and putting closure to old grievances… (Seriously, I’m surprised that Jihoo is not under psychological therapy yet with all that he’s went through and is going through) Darth Mama is already putting her plans of world domination and doomsday into action by hitting Jandi where it hits most…
Since Darth Mama started off on Jihoo’s family business first, Gramps suffered a heart attack as an effect and Jihoo worries about his source of income from now on… errr… about gramps condition… yeah… about that…
I then start to smell darkness and evil in the air, and before I knew it, the very next scene shows evil herself… Darth Mama sitting behind her desk… As Madam Kang discussed pulling out roots once again to Secretary Jung… (Seriously, what does this lady have against PLANTS? She keeps on talking about pulling out roots and taking out weeds and stepping on grass… Did a gardener do her wrong in her past life?) Junpyo walks in just then to show us that he has finally found his balls and bargains with his mom not to harrm Jandi in exchange for him not seeing her nor talking to her… (Ahhh… just what any girl wants… a long distance relationship without the distance… and without even the talking… heck… come to think of it, without even the relationship! Just the thought that somebody loves me and me not having the chance to entertain other suitors the rest of my life… HOW IDEAL! --- I’m being sarcastic if you don’t notice…) Thank Heavens Halmonnie is there to talk sense into Junpyo to teach him how it’s done and to give light to him to stop talking bull…
As Jandi discovers Gramps things and shows to Jihoo how Gramps started the stalking program in Shinhwa U, through the drawings he has of Jihoo from grade school to present. ..GaEul cries her heart out over Dad’s sudden forced resignation which was obviously plan B of Darth Mama’s terroristic campaign …
Finding reasons to perhaps alleviate her guilt a little Jandi pays a visit to Gramps who in his state can still play matchmaker (yeah, gramps… give your grandson even more reason to angst…) and Jihoo and Jandi ONCE AGAIN SPEND TIME TOGETHER… ( Miss Scriptwriter, I swear there have been far more scenes of Jihoo and Jandi’s relationship already in this series all together and even down to the homestretch you’re still milking this for all it’s worth… Just a reminder that the title of the show is BOYS OVER FLOWERS and it is definitely not JIHOO IS LONELY, LOOK HOW MISERABLE HIS LIFE IS…)
AND OH NOOOOOOOOOO… DON’ T TELL ME THAT’S A PIANO I SEE? (Please, please, please… don’t let Jihoo see it, don’t let Jihoo see it… Dang! He sees it!) As Jihoo sits down to once again prove to Jandi what a musical genius he is… I hit the fast forward button since I could compile all of Jihoo’s musical scene for this whole series and I bet my @ss that it could make up one entire episode of this show… After the musical extravaganza and while ill gramps is left to fend for himself…Jandi and Jihoo take a walk along the Han river… Jihoo then confesses to Jandi about his feelings once again only for it to be thwarted by FOUNTAINS THIS TIME, NO LESS… (What did I say about Jihoo’s timing? IT SUCKS… BIG TIME! Give it up boy… give it up…When a girl is more interested in fountains than in what you have to say, maybe just maybe… she’s not just into you as you are into her… )
As Jandi pours out her thoughts of giving up on Junpyo to comatose vegetable patient and after saying goodbye to him and telling him to get well (although I don’t know how comatose patient can do that when he’s LYING IN A VEGETATIVE state and is not even awake…) The moment of reckoning has come... Jandi goes to see Darth Mama in enemy territory…
However, we are left hanging as to what has taken place, (although I already know that this is once again DEVIL PD’s moment of ecstasy before the heartbreak) , as we see Jandi going around the Goo’s mansion, making small talks to the help as if they were in a cocktail party and shouting for Junpyo as if she has just been appointed as mistress of the house and not somebody whom Darth Mama has put under her persona non grata list on the front gate…
AND NOW WE’RE TALKING… Finally, after more than 30 minutes of crappy waiting, we see our OTP back in business… (DANGGGGG…. Jandi! Your Boyfriend is totally hot… TOTALLY! Darn it!)
Well, well, well… seems like Miss Scriptwriter had some problems putting dialogues into OTP’s scene together and she has soooo much to say during Jandi and Jihoo’s moments… But WTH… I am too giddy now to even care… SCREW EVERYTHING… I will enjoy every sugary sweet moment of this FANTABULOUS SCENE… I deserve it after the 30 minutes of snoozefest that I went through just to get here…
So there goes my OTP… Driving around smiling, head touching, feeding each other, bike riding, cheek pinching … SQUEEEEEEE… (How pathetic am i? I’m so giddy and yet I feel as if I’m making a commentary of my 12 year old cousin’s 6th grade date and not that of two lovebirds who are almost in their 20’s or in their 20’s… but like I said… I’M TOO ECSTATIC TO EVEN CAREEEEEEEEEE… I AM lapping up every PRECIOUS second of this…EVERY SINGLE ONE…YESSIREE…)
WTH? Why am I even crying when Jandi told Junpyo that she likes him? I am sooo doggone in love with this pair that it kills me… And… And… there’s the longer lip pressing and just like that it’s over…(Kids, ever heard of petting?)
3 minutes of BLISS before we’re back to more angst and misery…
We get a flashback of what went on between Mama Kang and Jandi when she went and paid her a visit…So it seems like Jandi made a deal with the devil and asked for that date in exchange for her giving up on Junpyo totally… (CLICHÉ, CLICHÉ, CLICHÉ…Lovers in Paris Much?
Seriously, at that moment, Jandi should have come equipped with a cross and holy water and tried to exorcise Darth Mama while she’s at it… Either that or at least drove a stake through her heart so that she can stop her regime of evil right then and there…)
While my heart felt like it was held in a vise as I see Junpyo driving around happily and blissfully ignorant of what he’d face the next minute… Jandi asked Junpyo to park and stop driving… (I bet Junpyo was thinking “ASSA! Now we can make out…” ) But sadly, Jandi just asked him to do so, so she can get off the car without rolling on the streets and to deliver the saddest words that Junpyo would get to hear in his moment of ecstasy… DUN, DU-DU-DUN… THE BREAK UP…
As Jandi tells Junpyo that she suddenly realized how they can never be together because they are worlds apart ( Really Jandi? When you just told him you liked him? Ahhh… It must be the BMW X5 that Junpyo’s driving…either that or you’ve just been hit with the worst possible case of PMS on the way home…) She then delivers the biggest blow that Junpyo would ever receive when in her self sacrificing tirade, he asked her if she’s even thought of him as just one man and not Shinhwa’s Goo Junpyo which she answered with a resounding NO… (at this point,. I was expecting Jandi to laugh and say: “Remember Macau when you said I was a stain you want to erase? HAHAHA! Now we’re even…Now that that’s over and done with… come here and kiss me…) But alas, Ms.Scriptwriter is not gifted with a sense of humor…
(On the other hand, I was thinking that if I were in Jandi’s shoes and would want to leave Junpyo with a wonderful memory, I would have probably rented a hotel room, do the 37 positions of the Kama Sutra with him and then leave him while he’s wiped out sleeping… NOW LET’S SEE IF HE WOULD NOT TURN HELL OVER TO FIND ME after that… But *sigh* how can I forget that this series takes place in Fantasyland Korea where teenagers never get horny and overly in love couples are contented with lip pressing… If this were 90210 or Gossip Girl, someone would have probably been pregnant or talking about contraception by now…)
Jandi then boards a bus while Junpyo gives chase and I try to find humor in this situation where Jandi sacrifices her one true love for world peace, only to find none since it is just soooo sad… DAMN IT!
Jandi arrives at the fishing village and learns from Mama Geum that the family situation has not changed at all… Yijung and Woobin spend quality time bonding over mocha frappuccinos like ladies who lunch, at a nearby café and gossip about their friends situations (and probably thank the heavens silently that they’re not as close to Jandi for Darth Mama to keep them under her radar…) Jihoo on the other hand misses Jandi like crazy but he has started work on the art center so that’s keeping him busy…
And Junpyo? Junpyo misses Jandi too… BADLY… but unlike Jihoo who becomes productive in his pain… he turns to drinking, orgies and stuffed toy machine breaking to cover the emptiness he feels over her loss… (I was seriously laughing while he was picking stuffed toys in that machine since he was sooo drunk he can barely walk straight and he EFFIN’ BELIEVES THAT HE CAN WIN At that game? HECK! I play that game SOBER and I have not even once owned anything from that coin grabbing contraption…)
So we close the episode with Junpyo spending jail time in a cell without rails for public disturbance, as he flashbacks on happy moments spent with Jandi while Jun hee and Secretary Jung looks on as his life spirals out of control… DARTH MAMA MUST BE SOOO PROUD…
Other comments:
1. Why does Yijung and Junpyo always shout whenever they’re crying? WHY?
2. Seeing Minho with that kid sent my biological clock ticking... AND I DON'T EVEN PLAN ON HAVING KIDS... wahahaha!
3. Seriously, tell me now… This is not really a remake of Hana Yori Dango right? It must be the Fifth installment of the overly dramatic seasons series (Autumn in my heart, Winter Sonata, Summer Scent and Spring Waltz?)
This installment could be entitled Rainy Day Showers and renamed Boys over Flowers to trick us…
After watching countless episodes of my JUNDI ship being together for only a couple of minutes before they are yet torn apart again for what feels like eternity… I think I am starting to unravel what the twist in this entire version of Hana Yori Dango is… I think… I think… (Drumroll please…) THAT THE PD AND THE SCRIPTWRITER OF BOF IS ACTUALLY MADAM KANG IN DISGUISE! Woooohhhhh !!! (shock all around, gasping, heartclutching as realization sinks in…)
Who else would be so evil as to think of giving someone a moment of happiness only to take it all back and then some in the next minute? Why can’t you even let us be happy for just one freakin’ episode Mr. PD and Miss Scriptwriter? WHYYYYYYYYYY??? Would it hurt to give us what we want when it is obvious that audiences around the globe are clamoring for more JunDi moments?
The episode started out with so much promise as Jandi and Junpyo continue on their zoo date… As I begin blissfully imagining how much better the storyline of this show would have been if only Jandi gets pregnant and gives birth to a little JunDi (and along with that HOW MUCH, MUCH BETTER IT WOULD really be if only they show the process of how they go about making it)… I also get a dark sense of foreboding of how much Devil PD will charge me back in terms of heartbreak and angst for this moment of giddy happiness with other scenes later on in the episode…
Alas! I would not have to wait for long to find out, since Secretary Jung is already calling Junpyo to report back to the mother ship… As Junpyo turns over a sleeping cute Chan to Jandi and goes on his way before Mama Kang sends the hounds of hell loose on him… Jandi and Junpyo both turn around to look at each other in goodbye lovingly before parting ways… (WAHAHAHA! THIS SERIES IS REALLY MAKING ME LAUGH… NOT EVEN A KISS PD? A DOGGONE PECK? A SMACK? WHAT ABOUT A HANDSHAKE? They barely see each other and all they can do is… LOOK AT EACH OTHER? C’mon! Even socialites who beeyatch around each others back give each other air kisses when they part ways… Where did all their teenage hormones go? Oh! I forgot… Maybe it doesn’t exist in ANGSTYLAND…)
Moving on, we see Yijung’s and first love’s dragged about storyline flash on screen as Kim Bum showed the acting chops that he is soooo famous for (we get it Bummie! You can act… yes you can… no need to shout…) As Darth Mama reads the daily paper (probably to read up on how other tycoons eliminate plucky teenage girls from their sons lives…) She gets the shock of her life seeing Jandi and Junpyo on their date in the zoo accidentally caught on a documentary on TV, complete with SMILES! ( I knew it… it was the smile that did it… I bet her reaction would not have been as drastic if they showed somber expressions instead of *heaven forbid* that of enjoyment… Note to Junpyo and Jandi: KEEP YOUR SMILES TO YOURSELF... Remember Junpyo, how miserable you looked during that failed wedding? THAT IS THE EXPRESSION THAT DARTH MAMA likes… Just look at her look on you lovingly during that oh sooo happy event…)
While Jandi is giving Jihoo even more reasons to pine for her by cooking for him and his gramps as they go about fishing and putting closure to old grievances… (Seriously, I’m surprised that Jihoo is not under psychological therapy yet with all that he’s went through and is going through) Darth Mama is already putting her plans of world domination and doomsday into action by hitting Jandi where it hits most…
Since Darth Mama started off on Jihoo’s family business first, Gramps suffered a heart attack as an effect and Jihoo worries about his source of income from now on… errr… about gramps condition… yeah… about that…
I then start to smell darkness and evil in the air, and before I knew it, the very next scene shows evil herself… Darth Mama sitting behind her desk… As Madam Kang discussed pulling out roots once again to Secretary Jung… (Seriously, what does this lady have against PLANTS? She keeps on talking about pulling out roots and taking out weeds and stepping on grass… Did a gardener do her wrong in her past life?) Junpyo walks in just then to show us that he has finally found his balls and bargains with his mom not to harrm Jandi in exchange for him not seeing her nor talking to her… (Ahhh… just what any girl wants… a long distance relationship without the distance… and without even the talking… heck… come to think of it, without even the relationship! Just the thought that somebody loves me and me not having the chance to entertain other suitors the rest of my life… HOW IDEAL! --- I’m being sarcastic if you don’t notice…) Thank Heavens Halmonnie is there to talk sense into Junpyo to teach him how it’s done and to give light to him to stop talking bull…
As Jandi discovers Gramps things and shows to Jihoo how Gramps started the stalking program in Shinhwa U, through the drawings he has of Jihoo from grade school to present. ..GaEul cries her heart out over Dad’s sudden forced resignation which was obviously plan B of Darth Mama’s terroristic campaign …
Finding reasons to perhaps alleviate her guilt a little Jandi pays a visit to Gramps who in his state can still play matchmaker (yeah, gramps… give your grandson even more reason to angst…) and Jihoo and Jandi ONCE AGAIN SPEND TIME TOGETHER… ( Miss Scriptwriter, I swear there have been far more scenes of Jihoo and Jandi’s relationship already in this series all together and even down to the homestretch you’re still milking this for all it’s worth… Just a reminder that the title of the show is BOYS OVER FLOWERS and it is definitely not JIHOO IS LONELY, LOOK HOW MISERABLE HIS LIFE IS…)
AND OH NOOOOOOOOOO… DON’ T TELL ME THAT’S A PIANO I SEE? (Please, please, please… don’t let Jihoo see it, don’t let Jihoo see it… Dang! He sees it!) As Jihoo sits down to once again prove to Jandi what a musical genius he is… I hit the fast forward button since I could compile all of Jihoo’s musical scene for this whole series and I bet my @ss that it could make up one entire episode of this show… After the musical extravaganza and while ill gramps is left to fend for himself…Jandi and Jihoo take a walk along the Han river… Jihoo then confesses to Jandi about his feelings once again only for it to be thwarted by FOUNTAINS THIS TIME, NO LESS… (What did I say about Jihoo’s timing? IT SUCKS… BIG TIME! Give it up boy… give it up…When a girl is more interested in fountains than in what you have to say, maybe just maybe… she’s not just into you as you are into her… )
As Jandi pours out her thoughts of giving up on Junpyo to comatose vegetable patient and after saying goodbye to him and telling him to get well (although I don’t know how comatose patient can do that when he’s LYING IN A VEGETATIVE state and is not even awake…) The moment of reckoning has come... Jandi goes to see Darth Mama in enemy territory…
However, we are left hanging as to what has taken place, (although I already know that this is once again DEVIL PD’s moment of ecstasy before the heartbreak) , as we see Jandi going around the Goo’s mansion, making small talks to the help as if they were in a cocktail party and shouting for Junpyo as if she has just been appointed as mistress of the house and not somebody whom Darth Mama has put under her persona non grata list on the front gate…
AND NOW WE’RE TALKING… Finally, after more than 30 minutes of crappy waiting, we see our OTP back in business… (DANGGGGG…. Jandi! Your Boyfriend is totally hot… TOTALLY! Darn it!)
Well, well, well… seems like Miss Scriptwriter had some problems putting dialogues into OTP’s scene together and she has soooo much to say during Jandi and Jihoo’s moments… But WTH… I am too giddy now to even care… SCREW EVERYTHING… I will enjoy every sugary sweet moment of this FANTABULOUS SCENE… I deserve it after the 30 minutes of snoozefest that I went through just to get here…
So there goes my OTP… Driving around smiling, head touching, feeding each other, bike riding, cheek pinching … SQUEEEEEEE… (How pathetic am i? I’m so giddy and yet I feel as if I’m making a commentary of my 12 year old cousin’s 6th grade date and not that of two lovebirds who are almost in their 20’s or in their 20’s… but like I said… I’M TOO ECSTATIC TO EVEN CAREEEEEEEEEE… I AM lapping up every PRECIOUS second of this…EVERY SINGLE ONE…YESSIREE…)
WTH? Why am I even crying when Jandi told Junpyo that she likes him? I am sooo doggone in love with this pair that it kills me… And… And… there’s the longer lip pressing and just like that it’s over…(Kids, ever heard of petting?)
3 minutes of BLISS before we’re back to more angst and misery…
We get a flashback of what went on between Mama Kang and Jandi when she went and paid her a visit…So it seems like Jandi made a deal with the devil and asked for that date in exchange for her giving up on Junpyo totally… (CLICHÉ, CLICHÉ, CLICHÉ…Lovers in Paris Much?
Seriously, at that moment, Jandi should have come equipped with a cross and holy water and tried to exorcise Darth Mama while she’s at it… Either that or at least drove a stake through her heart so that she can stop her regime of evil right then and there…)
While my heart felt like it was held in a vise as I see Junpyo driving around happily and blissfully ignorant of what he’d face the next minute… Jandi asked Junpyo to park and stop driving… (I bet Junpyo was thinking “ASSA! Now we can make out…” ) But sadly, Jandi just asked him to do so, so she can get off the car without rolling on the streets and to deliver the saddest words that Junpyo would get to hear in his moment of ecstasy… DUN, DU-DU-DUN… THE BREAK UP…
As Jandi tells Junpyo that she suddenly realized how they can never be together because they are worlds apart ( Really Jandi? When you just told him you liked him? Ahhh… It must be the BMW X5 that Junpyo’s driving…either that or you’ve just been hit with the worst possible case of PMS on the way home…) She then delivers the biggest blow that Junpyo would ever receive when in her self sacrificing tirade, he asked her if she’s even thought of him as just one man and not Shinhwa’s Goo Junpyo which she answered with a resounding NO… (at this point,. I was expecting Jandi to laugh and say: “Remember Macau when you said I was a stain you want to erase? HAHAHA! Now we’re even…Now that that’s over and done with… come here and kiss me…) But alas, Ms.Scriptwriter is not gifted with a sense of humor…
(On the other hand, I was thinking that if I were in Jandi’s shoes and would want to leave Junpyo with a wonderful memory, I would have probably rented a hotel room, do the 37 positions of the Kama Sutra with him and then leave him while he’s wiped out sleeping… NOW LET’S SEE IF HE WOULD NOT TURN HELL OVER TO FIND ME after that… But *sigh* how can I forget that this series takes place in Fantasyland Korea where teenagers never get horny and overly in love couples are contented with lip pressing… If this were 90210 or Gossip Girl, someone would have probably been pregnant or talking about contraception by now…)
Jandi then boards a bus while Junpyo gives chase and I try to find humor in this situation where Jandi sacrifices her one true love for world peace, only to find none since it is just soooo sad… DAMN IT!
Jandi arrives at the fishing village and learns from Mama Geum that the family situation has not changed at all… Yijung and Woobin spend quality time bonding over mocha frappuccinos like ladies who lunch, at a nearby café and gossip about their friends situations (and probably thank the heavens silently that they’re not as close to Jandi for Darth Mama to keep them under her radar…) Jihoo on the other hand misses Jandi like crazy but he has started work on the art center so that’s keeping him busy…
And Junpyo? Junpyo misses Jandi too… BADLY… but unlike Jihoo who becomes productive in his pain… he turns to drinking, orgies and stuffed toy machine breaking to cover the emptiness he feels over her loss… (I was seriously laughing while he was picking stuffed toys in that machine since he was sooo drunk he can barely walk straight and he EFFIN’ BELIEVES THAT HE CAN WIN At that game? HECK! I play that game SOBER and I have not even once owned anything from that coin grabbing contraption…)
So we close the episode with Junpyo spending jail time in a cell without rails for public disturbance, as he flashbacks on happy moments spent with Jandi while Jun hee and Secretary Jung looks on as his life spirals out of control… DARTH MAMA MUST BE SOOO PROUD…
Other comments:
1. Why does Yijung and Junpyo always shout whenever they’re crying? WHY?
2. Seeing Minho with that kid sent my biological clock ticking... AND I DON'T EVEN PLAN ON HAVING KIDS... wahahaha!
3. Seriously, tell me now… This is not really a remake of Hana Yori Dango right? It must be the Fifth installment of the overly dramatic seasons series (Autumn in my heart, Winter Sonata, Summer Scent and Spring Waltz?)
This installment could be entitled Rainy Day Showers and renamed Boys over Flowers to trick us…

March 25, 2009 at 1:11 AM
hi i would like to ask...what is the song that jihoo played on the piano in ep 23 called? thx ^^
March 25, 2009 at 7:33 AM
i'm sorry i don't know. but if i'm not mistaken, somebody already asked about it in soompi BOF thread. you might want to check there. :)
May 30, 2009 at 7:01 AM
I hate Junpyo's mama so much!!
If I was Jandi, I would have stabbed her with a pen then and there!!
Another OMGEE!!
I kind of cried when Junpyo was chasing the bus Jandi was in!!:D
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