꽃 보다 남자 Boys Over Flowers, Boys Before Flowers, Hana Yori Dango Korean Version, Kkotboda Namja Episode 17 and 18 Preview Spoiler English Subbed watch video online.
Monday episode of Boys Before Flowers delayed following accident
The Monday (March 2) episode of Boys Before Flowers will be replaced by a special “F4 talk show” broadcast instead, due to delays in filming caused by Gu Hye-sun’s latest accident.
Initially, the actress’s February 27 car accident had been deemed trifling, no doubt because production was eager to resume filming. It was then reported that Gu’s accident was more serious than initially thought, and that she had to receive stitches in the mouth — she had slammed into the seat in front of her when the vehicles collided. (PSA: Seat belts. They are good things.) Then news followed that with a wave of pacifying “Gu is okay, she’s returning to set” messages. And now, finally, it’s been announced the 17th episode will be delayed while Gu rests in the hospital on the recommendation of doctors.
Production company Group Eight has announced that they will be putting together a last-minute special for Monday’s broadcast, with Episode 17 to air on Tuesday. Group Eight CEO Song Byung-joon said, “It’s the responsibility of the producers to think of the actors’ health and safety. We will compensate by putting forth a special program whose quality is on par with our regular programming.” (Insert snarky comment of your choice here.)
The special will feature F4 members Lee Min-ho, Kim Hyun-joong, Kim Bum, and Kim Joon showing the cameras behind the scenes on the set locations, unaired footage, and other clips. The proceedings will be hosted by MC Han Seok-joon and Hyun Young. Gu Hye-sun is expected to return to filming mid-week.
The silver lining in all this? More time = (hopefully) better episodes and less fatigued actors. Also, with production off by one episode, expect another special to air at some point (my guess is that it will come after the last episode).
Vis Start News
credit: dramabeans
Boys Before Flowers Needs A Break
KBS2TV Boys Before Flowers will only be showing 1 new episode this week.
At around 1 this afternoon, KBS drama department representative Song Byung Joon, director Jun Ki Sang, etc had got together for an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. According to someone who was at the meeting, "The decision has been made to stop the broadcast. After discussions, we have decided to only show 1 episode this week."
Female lead Goo Hye Sun had been involved in a car accident this past Friday morning and developed visible facial injuries after treatment, causing her to miss filming.
According to sources, Goo Hye Sun has been hospitalized for the past few days since being admitted for treatment. Although her injuries weren't anything serious, the visible swelling on her face meant that she has no choice but to skip filming. Representative Song Byung Joon visited Goo Hye Sun yesterday at the hospital and told her that broadcast will be stopped this week, and that she didn't need to rush herself back. Goo Hye Sun appears in most of the scenes for episode 17, 18 so there was no other alternative but to wait for her return. She herself expressed that she will return as soon as possible within 2 days.
It was revealed that co-star Kim Hyun Joong had also visited Goo Hye Sun in the hospital shortly after the conclusion of the 45th Baeksang Awards ceremony. According to a DSP representative, "He said a lot to console Goo Hye Sun and had been really worried about her injuries. He was actually pretty worried after receiving the news. He also told her to get well quickly and he will see her back at the filming set."
If you are wondering why did Lee Min Ho not visit her, well he went straight back to filming after the ceremony, for the filming of scenes with Lee Min Jung, his fiance in the drama.
From the latest update, there will still be Boys Before Flowers tomorrow but it will be a special talkshow consisting of highlight scenes, cut scenes and NG scenes with Episode 17 following on Tuesday. Normal schedule will resume next week. The halt in broadcast is not new in the industry. SBS Painter of the Wind was halted for 1 week after Moon Geun Young was injured during filming. MBC Wolf (only aired for 3 episodes) production was stopped entirely after Eric Mun suffered serious injuries from a stunt gone wrong during filming.
Even if they managed to clear this week's episodes, it doesn't hide the fact that the Korean drama system of filming and then broadcasting it a few days later isn't actually the best working enviroment for all involved with the production.
Boys Over Flowers - F4 Special Talk Show
Due to Ku Hye Sun’s physical condition, KBS will be broadcasting a Boys Over Flowers special on Monday and episode 17 on Tuesday.
Monday’s program is called “F4 Special Talk Show”, and will feature the F4 actors - Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Beom, and Kim Joon - and be hosted by Han Seok Joon and Hyun Young. Gagwoman Park Ji Sun will somehow fill Ku Hye Sun’s role during the show. Viewers will also be treated to some deleted scenes from BOF.
On Tuesday, KBS will broadcast episode 17, which is being modified so that Ku Hye Sun does not have to do any more filming for it.
Earlier reports said that Ku was pushing to return to set by March 1. However, doctors advised that she extend her period of rest, and she currently remains in the hospital.
Ku Hye Sun’s accident (2/27):
Ku Hye Sun was in a car accident on February 27. The incident occured near Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, on the way back up to Seoul from filming in Changwon. As her driver was switching lanes, the car hit a 5-ton truck. There were no visible major injuries; however, she was taken to a hospital in Gangnam, Seoul for a physical examination and rest.
Ku had to receive some stitches on the inside of her lips, which was injured when her face made contact with the passenger seat during the crash. After getting approximately three stitches, her mouth region remains swollen.
She joins the F4 in having experienced a car accident (or two) during the past few months. A representative of the drama said that they regret the number of accidents that the cast has experienced, and will take further measures to ensure everyone’s safety.
credit: kpculture.
Drama becomes real life: Lee Min Ho saves Goo Hye Sun
translated by: dunlop09 (soompi.com)
written by: 강은영기자
original post here.
In an interview Goo hye sun had at the hospital on the 28th, she revealed,"Thanks to Lee Min Ho I got to get to the hospital quickly to receive treatment."
"After the accident occurred, a van that looked a lot like Lee Min ho's passed by. With my head ringing, I slightly remember thinking, 'I wish that was Min ho's car.' As the car door opened, it turned out that it was really Min ho, and he began to run toward us. At that time he looked like the savior of the world. Had I gotten to the hospital any later, my recovery would have been later as well. I was so thankful."
Goo Hye Sun's car collided with a dump truck that was driving ahead of them. Lee Min Ho took Goo Hye Sun all the way to the hospital, and then proceeded to go back to filming. He then attended the award ceremony with the rest of his cast. However, Lee Min Ho and his representatives kept the incident(where LMH helped GHS) quiet.
Goo Hye Sun watched the award ceremony on TV. "I was shocked when I saw Lee Min Ho fall on the red carpet. I laughed without even knowing. I thought the stitches in my mouth had come undone(laughs). Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Joong came to visit after the ceremony. I was very thankful. It must not have been easy to make time when they had such a busy schedule.
She expressed her happiness when she saw her two co-stars receiving the awards.
Currently, Goo Hye Sun has 3 stitches inside of her lip. The swelling was bad enough to halt production. Because of this, they will be showing a special instead of episode 17 on the 2nd. Goo Hye Sun hopes to return to filming as early as the 2nd. She is scheduled to go back to the hospital on the 5th to take out the stitches.
Goo Hye Sun returns to filming straight after discharge
written by: 김형우
translated by: dunlop09
original post here
Goo Hye Sun, who was hospitalized after a car accident on the 27th, was discharged on the evening of the 2nd. Goo Hye Sun went straight to filming after her discharge around 11 PM, and worked throughout the night.
A representative stated over the phone, “Goo Hye Sun joined the filming after her discharge on the 2nd. Though the filming started late and went throughout the night, she had so much enthusiasm that we were done with no problems at all.
On the 27th, Goo Hye Sun was in a car accident while moving from one set to another, and was hospitalized. Due to the large tear in her lip, she had to be hospitalized and receive treatment until the 2nd.
Due to her injury, in was decided that “Boys Over Flowers” would be canceled on the 2nd. Instead, an F4 talk show was broadcasted.
Goo Hye Sun's condition has improved. Her swelling has gone done enough for her to be able to eat certain foods. However, there is still discomfort due to the large amount of lines she must speak.
The representative revealed, “We did our best to modify the script so that her lines could be as least as possible. I just hope the viewers would appreciate people like Goo Hye Sun, who has been so strong throughout all these ordeals.”
Goo Hye Sun only back temporarily
translated by: dunlop09
Goo Hye Sun's return was only temporary. They needed to do one last scene with her for the episode that will air tomorrow . But it's still too much for her to be back to work because she's not completely well yet. The scenes they did shoot with her in it had barely any lines for her in it. I just translated some of things that the representatives said.
" 구혜선은 2일 오후11시 촬영 현장에 임시 복귀해 한 장면을 찍고 바로 철수했다"며 "현재는 집에서 휴식을 취하고 있다" - "Goo Hye Sun returned temporarily to the set at 11PM today to shoot one scene and withdrew right after. Currently she is at home resting.
" 구혜선이 2일 촬영에 참여했다고는 하지만 이는 임시 복귀다. 정식 복귀라고는 말할 수 없다"며 "구혜선의 본격적인 촬영 재개 일시는 제작진과 구혜선 간에 계속 협의 중"이라고 밝혔다. - Though Goo Hye Sun returned to the set on the 2nd, it was only a temporary return. We can't say it's an official return. Goo Hye Sun's official return to the set is being discussed as we speak."
"구혜선은 붓기도 거의 빠져 외관상으로는 촬영에 문제될 것이 거의 없다"며 "다만 입안의 상처 때문에 발음이 어려운 것이 문제" - "The swelling is almost gone so it's not a problem of appearance. The problem is that she can't speak properly due to the tear inside her mouth."
"오늘은 촬영이 없다"며 "3일 새벽 촬영은 17회의 변경된 내용을 담아야했기에 어쩔 수 없었다. 다행히도 구혜선이 최선을 다해 임해줘 고마울 따름"
- "There was no filming today. The scene we did on the morning of the 3rd was necessary because it was needed for episode 17. We're just thankful Goo Hye Sun did the best that she could."
"일단 오늘은 촬영이 없는 날이다. 내일 촬영에 복귀할 지는 아직 결정하지 못했다"며 "현재 정식 촬영 복귀 시점을 두고 계속 협의 중이다"고 덧붙였다. - "For now, there is no filming today. It has not been decided whether filming will resume tomorrow. Currently, the official resume time is being discussed.
"3일은 휴식을 취하며 붓기를 빼는데 전념할 것"이라며 "아직은 정확한 발음을 내는데 무리가 따르고 있다. 최대한 부상 후유증을 최소화하는데 최선을 다하겠다"고 말했다. - "On the 3rd there will be a break from filming, and we'll focus on getting the rest of the swelling down. It is still too hard for her to give exact pronunciations. We're doing the best we can to minimize the aftereffects of the injury."
translated by: dunlop09
Goo Hye Sun's return was only temporary. They needed to do one last scene with her for the episode that will air tomorrow . But it's still too much for her to be back to work because she's not completely well yet. The scenes they did shoot with her in it had barely any lines for her in it. I just translated some of things that the representatives said.
" 구혜선은 2일 오후11시 촬영 현장에 임시 복귀해 한 장면을 찍고 바로 철수했다"며 "현재는 집에서 휴식을 취하고 있다" - "Goo Hye Sun returned temporarily to the set at 11PM today to shoot one scene and withdrew right after. Currently she is at home resting.
" 구혜선이 2일 촬영에 참여했다고는 하지만 이는 임시 복귀다. 정식 복귀라고는 말할 수 없다"며 "구혜선의 본격적인 촬영 재개 일시는 제작진과 구혜선 간에 계속 협의 중"이라고 밝혔다. - Though Goo Hye Sun returned to the set on the 2nd, it was only a temporary return. We can't say it's an official return. Goo Hye Sun's official return to the set is being discussed as we speak."
"구혜선은 붓기도 거의 빠져 외관상으로는 촬영에 문제될 것이 거의 없다"며 "다만 입안의 상처 때문에 발음이 어려운 것이 문제" - "The swelling is almost gone so it's not a problem of appearance. The problem is that she can't speak properly due to the tear inside her mouth."
"오늘은 촬영이 없다"며 "3일 새벽 촬영은 17회의 변경된 내용을 담아야했기에 어쩔 수 없었다. 다행히도 구혜선이 최선을 다해 임해줘 고마울 따름"
- "There was no filming today. The scene we did on the morning of the 3rd was necessary because it was needed for episode 17. We're just thankful Goo Hye Sun did the best that she could."
"일단 오늘은 촬영이 없는 날이다. 내일 촬영에 복귀할 지는 아직 결정하지 못했다"며 "현재 정식 촬영 복귀 시점을 두고 계속 협의 중이다"고 덧붙였다. - "For now, there is no filming today. It has not been decided whether filming will resume tomorrow. Currently, the official resume time is being discussed.
"3일은 휴식을 취하며 붓기를 빼는데 전념할 것"이라며 "아직은 정확한 발음을 내는데 무리가 따르고 있다. 최대한 부상 후유증을 최소화하는데 최선을 다하겠다"고 말했다. - "On the 3rd there will be a break from filming, and we'll focus on getting the rest of the swelling down. It is still too hard for her to give exact pronunciations. We're doing the best we can to minimize the aftereffects of the injury."
Goo Hye Sun's scene after discharge from hospital
written by:김형우
translated by: dunlop09
Goo Hye Sun, who was hospitalized after a car accident, returned to “Boys Over Flowers” filming after her discharge. The scene that she shot was necessary for episode 17.
The episode that aired on the 3rd contains Goo Hye Sun's acting after her discharge. This is the scene where Goo Jun Pyo(Lee Min Ho), Yoon Ji Hoo(Kim Hyun Joong), Ha Jae Kyung(Lee Min Jung) and Geum Jandi(Goo Hye Sun) are at a restaurant, and Jae Kyung ends up entering a Ramen eating competition.
In this scene that lasted for 4 minutes, Goo Hye Sun acted without saying a word. Despite concerns, the swelling was barely noticeable. The only problem was that everything was a bit unnatural due to her injury that has not yet fully healed.
Originally, Jandi and Jae Kyung were supposed to eat the Ramen together. However, due to Goo Hye Sun's injury, the script was modified so that only Jae Kyung had to eat it.
Meanwhile, Goo Hye Sun is doing everything she can to recover from her injury. Thankfully, the swelling has almost completely gone down, but she still has problems when it comes to talking. On February 27th, Goo Hye Sun was hospitalized after a car accident. After receiving stitches for a tear in her lip area, she remained in the hospital until March 2nd.
written by:김형우
translated by: dunlop09
Goo Hye Sun, who was hospitalized after a car accident, returned to “Boys Over Flowers” filming after her discharge. The scene that she shot was necessary for episode 17.
The episode that aired on the 3rd contains Goo Hye Sun's acting after her discharge. This is the scene where Goo Jun Pyo(Lee Min Ho), Yoon Ji Hoo(Kim Hyun Joong), Ha Jae Kyung(Lee Min Jung) and Geum Jandi(Goo Hye Sun) are at a restaurant, and Jae Kyung ends up entering a Ramen eating competition.
In this scene that lasted for 4 minutes, Goo Hye Sun acted without saying a word. Despite concerns, the swelling was barely noticeable. The only problem was that everything was a bit unnatural due to her injury that has not yet fully healed.
Originally, Jandi and Jae Kyung were supposed to eat the Ramen together. However, due to Goo Hye Sun's injury, the script was modified so that only Jae Kyung had to eat it.
Meanwhile, Goo Hye Sun is doing everything she can to recover from her injury. Thankfully, the swelling has almost completely gone down, but she still has problems when it comes to talking. On February 27th, Goo Hye Sun was hospitalized after a car accident. After receiving stitches for a tear in her lip area, she remained in the hospital until March 2nd.
Goo Hye Sun scheduled to return to set on the 5th.
written by: 김형우
translated by: dunlop09
After her discharge on the 2nd, Goo Hye Sun has been resting for 3 days. Because of her lip injury, she is having problems with pronunciation, and is currently undergoing treatment and rest.
Goo Hye Sun will return to the “Boys Over Flowers” filming on the 5th. Her stitches are scheduled to be taken out on the evening of the 4th, and her swelling is scheduled to be completely gone around the morning of the 5th.
A representative stated over the phone, “She will join the “Boys Over Flowers” filming on the 5th. There was no filming on the 3rd or 4th so that she could concentrate on rest and recovery.”
He revealed, “It(her injury and pronunciation) is not in perfect condition, but we are doing our best to make as much improvements as we can. Goo Hye Sun is doing all she can to recover as fast as possible, she is refraining from talking unless absolutely necessary.”
"Boys Over Flowers: back to filming" Thoughts on Goo Hye Sun's return to the set
written by:김형우
translated by: dunlop09
Goo Hye Sun returns to the set of “Boys Over Flowers” on the 5th. After her discharge on the 2nd, she shot one scene for episode 17, and then has been resting due to complications caused by her injury.
She returned to filming on the 5th. The swelling in her face is almost completely gone and her pronunciation has improved compared to before. The only problem that remains is that her injury has not yet healed, and her stitches are scheduled to be taken out tonight. Despite the hospital's advice to have it taken out on the 7th, they could not keep Goo Hye Sun away from the set any longer.
A representative stated over the phone, “This is the first real filming we had since last week. She's not 100% well yet, but she is doing the best that she can. Her condition has improved greatly. It was no small accident, she could have easily fell back, but she is showing no complaints or discomfort at all. We are really proud of her.”
Another representative stated, “Goo Hye Sun is back to acting with her passion. You would have never known she was a person who just came out of an accident. She would give her best even if it means she'll fall apart.”
Before the car accident, Goo Hye Sun also injured her head during a diving scene. At the time she had to come back to filming after one day, despite the hospital's advice to stay. Outside of these incidents, the representatives revealed that she has sustained many more injuries while doing dangerous action scenes and sports scenes. On one occasion, she injured her leg and could barely move. But she kept her complaints from the representatives and continued with filming.
A representative of one of the F4 members said, “Goo Hye Sun's devotion to acting really deserves an applause. No matter how cold, or how hard it is, she never leaves the set. She stays near the monitor to watch every aspect.
Another representative said, “It really is heartbreaking to see that because she is surrounded by F4, she is always suffering attacks from antifans. But if they saw her on the set, no one would be able to say those kinds of things about her again.”
Production team stuck in the Middle, while netizens belatedly realize their intentions
credit:dunlop09, soompi
I won't translate the whole article because it's pretty lengthy and repetitive. Basically on one hand, as you saw in the article I translated yesterday, there are people who are complaining about Woo Bin's lack of screen time. New characters come in and out that have more screen time than Woo Bin ever had in an episode. What they want is a storyline for Woo Bin. However, according to this article, people want to cut the distraction and want more of JP/JD. They feel that the story line is "heading over the hill", meaning the story line could seems like it could separate from the manga at any moment. As you all have noticed, nothing is like how it was when the series first started.
많은 캐릭터가 등장해 내용이 산만해진데다 구금거플(구준표-금잔디), 지금커플(윤지후-금잔디) 역시 중심을 못잡고 있다는 평가가 많다.
Characters have come and gone with vague storylines. Because of this the JP/JD and JH/JD relationships have no time to take hold.
극 중심을 잡아주던 금잔디 역할 공백이 아쉽다는 이야기도 흘러나오고 있다. 당초 '오버스럽다'는 지적을 쏟아내던 일부 시청자들조차 "구혜선의 연기가 왜 중요했는지 이제야 알겠다"고 아쉬워할 정도다.
People are even saying that they miss the old JD who kept everything in balance. Back then, the viewers complained about the overreacting. But now viewers are saying "Now I understand why Goo Hye Sun's acting was so important."
자신의 오버 연기로 출연진의 부족한 연기력이나 캐릭터 간의 이미지 불협 화음을 흡수해주는 역할을 톡톡히 해냈다는 분석이다. 구혜선이 '오버스런 연기'를 선택한 이유 중 하나도 여기 있었다. 자신을 망가뜨리면서 남자 주인공의 이미지를 더욱 높이기도 했다.
만약 구혜선의 구심점 역할 없이 자신의 장점 알리기에만 치중했다면 지금의 '꽃남' 하모니는 불가능했다는 것이 대다수 드라마 전문가들의 설명이다.
하지만 최근들어 이야기 구도가 변화되며 금잔디의 공백이 커져가고 있다. 특히 금잔디와 비슷한 성격의 하재경이 등장하면서 금잔디의 캐릭터성도 애매모호해졌다.
Towards the beginning of the drama, there were complaints of Goo Hye Sun's overreacting. Especially in Japan, fans' criticisms soared after seeing such a change in the female lead's personality. But on the other hand, Goo Hye Sun was praised for emphasizing the best qualities of the male leads. That was another reason why Goo Hye Sun chose that path. If she puts herself down, the male leads' images will look better.
구혜선 의 오버스럽거나 망가지는 연기가 적어지자 구준표나와 윤지후의 매력 마저 오히려 반감되고 있다. 구준표, 윤지후의 F4다운 '포스'가 예전만 못하다는 평이 괜히 나오는 것이 아니다. 구준표 윤지후의 색깔있던 매력 창출은 구혜선의 '망가지는' 연기가 있었기에 가능했다는 설명이다.
As Goo Hye Sun's overreacting started to tone down, Goo Jun Pyo and Yoon Ji Hoo's charm was reducing as well. There was a reasons why viewers were complaining that they weren't the same as usual. It turns out that GJP and YJH's colorful charm was possible because of Goo Hye Sun's "wrecked" acting. "wrecked" meaning that she put JD's personality down.
특히 구준표와 하재경의 결혼 에피소드가 담긴다는 소식이 전해지자 시청자들의 불만은 더욱 커져가고 있다.
시 청자들은 "내용이 갈수록 산으로 가고 있다" "초반 느낌과 비교하면 2막 내용은 '꽃보다 남자'와는 전혀 어울리지 않는다" "구혜선의 비중이 줄어들다보니 오히려 구혜선의 연기가 얼마나 중요했는지 실감하고 있다"고 안타까움을 전하고 있다.
The complaints are increasing as rumors of a JP/JK wedding has been revealed.
Viewers express their frustration, "As the series keeps going, the plot keeps straying." "If we compare it to the beginning, the second season plot doesn't suit BOF at all." "As GHS's importance is decreasing, we realize how significant her acting really was."
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